What Is VFX & VFX Industry

What Is VFX & VFX Industry

VFX is the process of creating and implementing visual effects in a film. 

The goal of VFX is to make the audience believe what they are seeing on-screen is real. 

This can be anything from animation to computer graphics, 

which are used to create everything from realistic explosions and dinosaur attacks to robots that look like humans.

What is VFX

VFX can be used in any medium that incorporates visual effects, 

including motion pictures, television programs, and video games. It also includes special effects in live theatre or concerts.

VFX is part of the broader field of computer-generated imagery (CGI). However, while CGI generally refers to graphics created using computers, 

VFX refers more specifically to the process of generating these graphics via computer software.

A practical distinction between VFX and CGI is that VFX software simulates photographic images 

whereas CGI often involves a higher degree of abstraction from reality than VFX. For example, photorealistic CGI requires computer graphics technology such as 3D rendering

or vector-based animation whereas VFX may use simple 2D animation techniques or hand-drawn art; 

however, some visual effects like matte paintings have been produced by both methods.

What is the difference between VFX and CGI?

VFX is a subset of CGI. CGI stands for computer-generated imagery,

and VFX is used to create images and scenes in movies and games using digital technology. However, there are some subtle differences between the two terms:

  • CGI (computer-generated imagery) can be used to produce everything from simple animations to photorealistic shots. 

This makes it an all-encompassing term

that encompasses things like motion capture, green screen work, compositing, etc. 

However, when people say "CGI", they usually mean something specific

a fully computer-generated image that looks very realistic onscreen (especially if it's animated). That's where VFX comes in!

  • When someone says "VFX," they're referring specifically to visual effects created by computers

not necessarily any other types of tricks being done with computers or other digital equipment.

Are animation and VFX the same?

When people talk about animation, they're usually referring to the process of creating a series of images that will be displayed over time. 

Animated films are made up of numerous frames

a 24-frame-per-second movie (such as most movies) has more than 17 million frames!

VFX, on the other hand, is short for visual effects. 

As a term, it's used to refer to any effect or alteration in live-action footage during postproduction 

that would have otherwise been too expensive and difficult to achieve during filming. VFX encompasses many different processes and techniques within film production

and video game design—from matte painting artworks to digital compositing

and motion capture performances by actors.

Animation and VFX are different processes but can be used together in film production

depending on what you want your final product to look like!

Where is VFX used?

VFX is used in movies, commercials, and even video games.

To give you an idea of how VFX is used, here are some examples:

  • In a movie, it might be a car crash or accident that was created using VFX.
  • In a commercial, it could be an advertisement for a new product (like soda) where the background was shot separately 

and then added to the actor's performance later on.

  • In video games like Fortnite, you will see characters shooting each other with realistic-looking guns which all use VFX.

Is it hard to learn VFX?

To learn VFX, you'll need to be creative and patient. It takes a lot of practice to get good at it—and even then, there's always something new to learn.

If you want to make a career out of VFX, you'll need persistence and the willingness to keep learning new things throughout your life.

Today, Media and Entertainment sector is one of the fastest-growing job provider industries in India. In Media & Entertainment, the VFX/VFX industry is a leading job creator and is the fastest emerging industry, the reason being VFX has become the key component for film, television, advertisement, video games, and cartoons.

According to a 2017 KPMG report titled Media for the masses: The promise unfolds, the VFX revenue from domestic projects is likely to grow at a CAGR of over 31 percent during 2016-2021. The demand will not only come from Hindi films but also regional movies — with producers in these industries pouring in more investments in VFX, the report added

Why VFX Industry Future seems great ???

  • India's VFX market is now maturing
  • Global studios are setting up their unit in India
  • Bollywood and Regional movies are ready to spend on a movie for VFX
  • Television is investing in Mythological and high ended fantasy stories
  • The consumer is demanding Highly realistic gaming.

As mentioned above the scale of Indian Movies, Television and Advertisement is getting higher and Director and Producer are ready to invest a huge amount in their projects, the demand in the VFX industry would be immense

Example of Indian Movie…………… Manikarnika, Bajirao Mastaani, Robot, 2.0, M.S. Dhoni- The Untold Story, Padmavat, Ra.One, Baahubali


In conclusion, VFX is one of the most exciting and popular areas of filmmaking today. 

It’s also a field where you can make your mark in a way that you can’t with any other type of filmmaking. 

If you want to get into this industry then you must have some knowledge about what goes on behind the scenes 

so that when someone asks “What does VFX mean?” You'll have an answer!


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